About me

Mama Miyuki

Hello, I am Mama Miyuki , I am a mother of two sweet and cute daughters. The oldest is  three years old and her younger sister is still a baby. An Indonesian living in Sendai, Japan who is very passionate about food  and eating out, and this is what this blog is all about..food..food..food.  I will focus on Indonesian cuisine and favorite international dishes flourishing in Indonesia.

Knowing where to get the best food available and to be able to serve good food to people was serious business for my parents. It is an important part of entertaining families who are dearest to you, and to keep your business partners happy. Every week we would check out restaurants or order to taste and make a list of their specialties and pricing. This habits stayed with me as I enjoy doing it.

Don’t worry, I never studied hotelier so I will not give you complicated recipes. I call this easy pantsy because it seems so effortless yet it is so tasty. The recipes you will find are recipes from my mom, my moms friends, my friends, cook book and internet, of course! In most of the cases, I adjust the ingredients to my taste and try to find the easiest ways to prepare them.

This blog is dedicated to provide adjusted easy Indonesian recipes for those who miss Indonesian cuisine. Moreover, to inspire “You” to open an Indonesian stall, restaurant or catering outside Indonesia. So, join the bandwagon and enjoy an exciting journey with “Mama Miyuki Easy Pantsy”.

Happy cooking…

Mama Miyuki
Award 1Award2
Bloggers Awards 3influential

123 thoughts on “About me

  1. I took a cooking class in Indonesia and not only was it delish, it was fun to make! Happy to have found you! I lost all of my recipes from the class, so I’m excited to see what you have that was the same AND try new things! There was one recipe we did, the woman just called it “Balinese Sauce” and she used it in a few different dishes….any ideas what that might have been? 🙂

    • Hi Nat! On the Balinese Sauce, I’m quoting from Chef Gusti Sanjaya.Here are several in a glance. I will add recipes in practice for the next editions.

      Bumbu merah/beef
      big red chilis, candlenut, shallot, garlic, ginger,shrimp paste

      Base be pasih/fish and seafood
      Big red chilies,garlic,shallots, ginger, turmeric, tomato, coriander seeds, candlenuts, shrimp paste,tamarind, bay leaf, lemon grass

      Base be jukut/vegetables
      Shallots, garlic, galangal, turmeric,big red chilis. small chilis,lesser galingale,shrimp paste,bay leaf, lemon grass

      Base be siap/chicken
      shallots, garlic, lesser galingale,candlenuts, turmeric, small chilis, palm sugar, coconut oil, lemongrass, bay leaf,

  2. Very nice page! Buka saja resto Indonesia. Disini, di Berlin baru ada resto Nusantara dibuka oleh 3 ibu dari Indonesia. Keren!!! Dan rasanya seperti dari warung2 di Indonesia benar … 🙂

  3. Hello Mama Miyuki,
    I like the topic of your blog. It’s great to be sharing the authentic Indonesian recipes. There’s an Indonesian restaurant here in Albany NY, but for us Indonesian the taste is not the same… I think they have modified it too much to accommodate the American taste buds, which I think is too bad because then people will think that’s the authentic Indonesian taste. But then if I were to open an Indonesian restaurant here, maybe I’ll ended up with no customers since the food is too spicy hehe… Blogging is definitely the way to do it! Good for you!!

    • Hi Crysant, glad that you enjoyed. It happens everywhere. Oh, but a blogger in Germany told me that Nusantara restaurant is really spicy, really original and they are popular. That’s why this blog is for those who seeks the taste that they have tasted. But I also adjusted a lot like decreasing the spicy volume but not the main ingredients. Anyway, enjoy!

  4. HI Miyuki. Thank you for Liking my food blog! Your “About Me” page was a delight to read. It inspired me to expand my own “About Me” page because I didn’t have much on there. So thank you for inspiring me!

  5. Thank you for coming by my blog so I could find you. I have two nephews who were adopted from Indonesia when my sister and her husband lived in Jakarta for many years. Every time I visited, I loved the food more. I’m so excited to learn from you! 🙂

  6. Hallo..
    Di Swedia udah ada resto Indo, tapi sayangnya beda kota sama tempatku tinggal.. huhuhuhu.. jadi paling kalo pingin makananan Indo harus usaha bikin sendiri deh.. Walau kadang suka gagal, tapi ya sudahlah.. *kenalan kok malah curhat*

    eniwei, salam kenal yaaa…

  7. lol I love the “easy pantsy” part of your blog name. There are no good indonesian restaurants in my part of the world. I can’t wait to go through your posts and try some of your amazing recipes!

  8. what a wonderful introduction to a corner of the world i have not traveled to. what a big-hearted ambassador and guide you are. thank you for finding my little table, and thank you for inviting me to yours. what an adventure. all blessings, barbara

  9. Hi…thanks for following my Not In India blog and even more for bringing me here to your blog. Looks like I will really enjoy exploring…I love new ideas in food… And if you are interested, you might enjoy following my adventures in India. I am back in India now and am posting almost every day for the time being on my India Journal BLog. http://janesindiajournals.wordpress.com.
    Looking forward to enjoying myself here on your blog.
    with love light and JOY 🙂

  10. Hey, thanks for following my blog. I hope you try out some of the tasty recipes sometime. I’ve got a wide range of recipes from healthy choices to rich, decadent desserts, and everything in between! Please let me know if you try anything and how it turned out!

  11. Hi Mama, thank you for stopping by Through Harold’s Lens. Love your Follow as I am now Following you. I hope I can offer images as enticing as your food!! May you and your family have a very happy and healthy New Year!!!

  12. Hello,
    Salam kenal dan sekalian Selamat Tahun Baru 2013.
    Terimakasih sudah mampir di blog-ku. Ini kunjungan balasan dari aku, dan ternyata aku langsung suka sama blog Mama Miyuki 🙂

    • Terima kasih sudah mengunjungi blog-ku, aku berterima kasih juga sama GLobalGlazer kalau tidak aku tidak akan ketemu blog mu..Beautiful pictures, jadi kangen berat sama Indonesia. Happy Blogging, Selamat tahun baru 20l3

  13. Hi! *waving* I just found your blog through Terry getting the sisterhood award. I love Indonesian food. Living In Perth W.A Bali is Australia’s most popular holiday destination. Can’t wait to see what you make! Hugs to you……Paula xx

  14. Hi Miyuki… thank you for following me and you sure do have a lovely one here….so energetic it is to be here…:).. u got another fan too…..lol

  15. Pingback: It Is Me, Claude, Your Award Show Host for Today | mycookinglifebypatty

  16. Lovely family! Thank you for coming to see me on my blog.I will have a good time here,I am sure.I ‘water down’ and post very basic recipes to teach and to give confidence to those who think they can’t cook or entertain, but for myself,I am always interested in new flavors and ideas. I hope to be seeing a lot of you.

  17. inspiring mba, anyway thank u for following me, let share something interesting about our country. love this blog background 🙂
    oh yah kalo gak ada halangan saya akhir april ke Jepang, masih lengkapi berkas visa ini. 🙂

  18. Just Lovely, Mama Miyuki!!! New and revised ‘About’ with a new, sweet family photo! Did you have your baby in the last few months while blogging? 😉 I have been to Sendai a few times, my ex-husband’s family are all from Sendai. Were you in Sendai when the tsunami hit the area close by?

    • Thanks you so much. Yes, she was born last December and I put my blogs on automatic mode. Please let me know when you are in town, we can go around together. I was fortunate to be alive thanks to my friend that sent me an email postponing me to travel to a shopping center near the coast that was totally destroyed…God bless her

  19. Gorgeous blog Mama Miyuki! This is my first visit and I’m already feeling inspired! Thanks for sharing the richness of your culture and that of your Japanese (present!) homeland with us. I can’t wait to look through your archives for more beautiful recipes and stories! Following you now 🙂

  20. Mama Miyuki,
    I see that your blog has been previously been nominated with the Liebster Award. I hope you do not mind me re-nominating it. I have been enjoying the wonderful posts you wrote. I wouldn’t have known about the garbage chicken (should I just say Ayam Sampah?) if I had not read about it here.
    Anyway, I put a link to this blog on my post: http://hariqhuang.wordpress.com/2013/08/01/the-liebster-award/
    Have a wonderful Friday! 😀

  21. Hi Miyuki!

    I found your great website and we would love to feature it!! I work with http://www.TheBesty.com which helps people all over the world find the best restaurants & food. Simply email me back the names and cities of 5-10 restaurants locally or anywhere in the world – that you think are the BEST, and we’ll feature your picks & link to your website, so our users can find you! We work with websites & blogs in over 50 countries, it would be great to work with yours as well!

    A few of our celebrity users include: Anthony Bourdain, Guy Fieri, and Rachael Ray!

    Featured Blogs: http://www.thebesty.com/search/blogs

    Also, we would love to feature an article about your site, so if you would like to do a write-up about how your website got started, with any fun tidbits about yourself, send that my way and I’ll have our content team post it for you, FB it & tweet it! – any length works! 🙂
    I look forward to hearing from you, and hopefully we can feature your site under our featured blogs!

    Website & Blog Partners

  22. Hello,

    I have found your blog by pure casualty. Since I love ethnic food, I think I’ll visit your blog quite often. The only thing that I might find difficult is finding certain ingredients since in Albania Asian food is not that popular so we do not have Asian food markets.

    Thanks for sharing you recipes 🙂

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