Broken Glass Almond Pudding

Serve 4 I love jelly desserts and there is one recipe that I fell in love with seeing from The Food Safari  “Broken Glass Jello” and Fae’s Twist and Tango“Rainbow Gelantin”. I was wondering whether I had to buy a lot of different packages to make it, but who is going to eat it if…

Margerita Chapatis

Makes 12 New Years Eve already and Sendai is a dead city. It is a custom here to pray for the goodness for the next year and there is no fireworks nor party outside. At home lazy with this cold weather, I feel like no cooking just assembling and grilling. I had a bag with…

Shrimp Scampi Fiesta

Serves 4 The “Two Little Cheffettes” monthly cooking challenges is back. This month ingredient challenge is ‘mushroom’. My family loves mushroom. I was sitting in front of the TV relaxing with my daughter. The broadcast was a traveling show, tasting Southern foods in America. It was summer, so they visited a lot of outdoor barbeque…

Bengali African Minced Lamb Kebabs

Makes 10 Sticks I felt like eating lamb and grilling more kebabs. I had minced lamb in the fridge so I sought recipes that will spices up the meat in more middle eastern taste. After reading here and there, I decide to combine 2 recipes, a Bengali version and an African version. It turns out…

Monkey Toast

Serves 3 There are times that loaf of bread get on my nerves, when everybody in the house in bored of it and I still have an abundance. This time, I fused it with monkey bread recipe. It came out quite well and made my kitchen smell deliciously cinnamon and brown sugar and very easy…

Chocolate Bread Pudding

Makes 5 cups Pfffppfff…I checked my recipe list and found out that this was my last recipe ready so I have to find other ideas for next week. Today, I checked my plants to find out that my basil is dying, how sad. I placed it one pot with mint and the mint was growing…

Chicken Pops

Serves 2 Here is chicken nuggets variation that you might want to toss up in the kitchen for stand up party snacks or lunch. I couldn’t find any better name than “chicken pops” he..he..he..I gave it to my neighbor next door and she liked it so much that we talked over in the car while…

Honey Chocolate Muffins

Makes 24 small muffins I found this recipe by accident, a really frustrating experience. I wanted to make some honey combs cause I love it so much. In the recipe it states that you have to use golden syrups, the one that when pour on hotcakes. I didn’t believe because it is ‘Honey’ comb not ‘Golden’ or…

Srikaya Pisang

Makes 6 small cups Srikaya is sweets that I usually order as dessert in a Padang restaurant. I love it very much, the eggy custardish texture with the sweet spice scent that melts in your mouth..hhmm yummy. My mother friend use to give these Srikayas’ served in small cups to us on special occasions. As…