Summer is coming ya’ll. Have your Deo’s ready!

Violets and Cardamom

After commenting recently about my love for the homemade deodorant that I use, I thought I would share the recipe for anyone that might be interested.  Making my own deodorant came about because despite years of trying, I have never found a  natural deodorant that I really liked.  (I started using natural deodorants because I am not particularly a fan of many of the ingredients found in regular deodorant/antiperspirants, including aluminum compounds).

I can not remember how I first learned that you can make your own all-natural and healthy deodorant but once I realized I could do it, do it I did.  After a great deal of research on recipes (because there are lots of recipes out there), what I found was that despite those numerous recipes, in the end, the base ingredients tended to be a combination of coconut oil, baking soda and cornstarch or arrowroot powder. And often…

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