Originally posted on toekangbatoe:
Oleh : R. Heru Hendarto Lelah mendera tubuh setelah terombang-ambing speedboat di teluk Tomini dan terjebak di mobil angkot selama tujuh jam, kami tiba di Gorontalo saat matahari sudah condong ke barat. Saat itu ada acara pemerintahan di kota ini sehingga hotel banyak yang penuh. Beberapa hotel yang disarankan Lonely Planet…

Rica Rica Shrimps

Serves 2 Rica-rica shrimps, this chili shrimps are very delicious with warm fragant rice. We have this often at home and my mother as usually would dump heaps of sugar to make the chili sweet. I prefer not to sweet, the Manado style where the sweetness just comes from the onions. This is a menu…

Bruine bonen soup

Serves 3 The Dutch cuisine really have a deep impact in Manado cuisine. One of the soup popular in Manado is bruine bonen soup. This soup can be found as weekly menus in some Indonesian families. My mother likes to serve it too. Sometimes the soup can get a little sour if you use garlic…

Spicy Mackarel Pike Floss

Makes 1 bowl Mackarel Pike fish is in season, in Japan we call it sanma (サンマ / 秋刀魚. The fish is usually served grilled or fried with dashi sauce. I wanted to make it into another recipe, a recipe that me and my husband are mad about…”abon Cakalang/tuna floss” well in this case Mackarel Pike…