Sukabumi Rice Congee

Serves 4

Times flies so fast and it midweek already. It is so windy outside, that catching a cold becomes a common thing in the house. There is nothing more soothing than to make some congee. Sukabumi chicken congee, in Indonesian bubur ayam Sukabumi is an all time favorite breakfast for most of the Jakarta folks. The portion is big, the taste savory and brings delight to the tummy. This is also a favorite food for toddlers.

Preparing it can be fussy because there is a lot of toppings added to the congee albeit all the process is easy. Therefore make a large batch to eat for several times. Enjoy…

The Congee:
1 cup rice
1 lt water
4-6 cm ginger
3 bay leaves
2 tsp salt

How to prepare:
-add all the ingredients in a pan and turn on heat, cook for 30 minutes
-stir occasionally and clear of foam
-turn off heat when you have reach the desire thickness

The soup:
6 shallots
2 garlic cloves
1/2 tsp tumeric powder
1 candle nut
1/2 tsp coriander powder
500 ml chicken stock
1 tbs sweet soy sauce
1/2 tsp nutmeg powder
salt and pepper to tastes

How to prepare:
-make shallots, garlic cloves, candle nut into a paste
-heat oil and saute the garlic paste
-add the chicken stock, coriander powder, nutmeg powder, sweet soy sauce, salt and pepper
-turn of heat when boiled

The chicken:
1 chicken breast
500 ml water
2 bay leafs
1 salt

How to prepare:
-boil add the ingredients in a pan for 20 minutes
-take out the chicken and drain
-fry the chicken until crispy
-take out, drain and cool off
-strip into long pieces

Other toppings:
-boiled eggs
-chopped parsley
-fried peanuts
-cakwe cakes
-shrimp crackers

How to assemble:
-add the congee in a bowl
-add the fried chicken and other toppings as you like
-add the soup
-add the shrimp crackers last

12 thoughts on “Sukabumi Rice Congee

  1. This looks like it will be fun to try. I’ll probably need to substitute macadamias for candlenut as I don’t think I can get them, but I’ll try.

    Why do you cook the chicken by boiling first and then frying? Could you do one or the other?

    • Yes, or substitute with some almonds. We usually boil the chicken to get some broth out of the chicken for later and add seasoning to the chicken before frying. If you can substitute the onions back with shallots, it taste even better

    • iya iya mirip ya bedanya dikuahnya mungkin..iya enak, lebih enak kalau bawang bombaynya diganti bawang merah, lebih nendang

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