Food Gallery 1-100

To make the search easier for you and to remind you of the original name of the food. Down here will be pictures of the food in English explanation and the original name of the food will be in the post title. Click the pictures and it will lead to the recipe.  Enjoy!

10 thoughts on “Food Gallery 1-100

  1. Mama Fungky: go lya go..!!! i am still proud of you, on everything you do…
    but now…eating, huh? it reminds me on how you made me fatter and fatter..
    hahhahaaa… but its okay because it was great to have some lunch or dinner together with you..
    i miss you.. ^.^

  2. setiap ngerasa males dan bingung mau masak apa, gw kunjungi mamamiyuki blog langsung deh terinspirasi dan bersemangat hehehe… thanks yg lya!

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